** Werbung wegen Markennennung ** Chilly Gonzales: “Re-Introduction Etudes”
- Beschreibung: twenty-four easy-to-master, fun-to-play piano pieces
- mit Illustrationen
- Art Design & Illustrations: Nina Rhode
- Verlag: Editions Bourges © 2014 (24,50 EUR)
- deutscher Preis: 25 – 29 Euro (inkl. CD)
- mehr Informationen auf chillygonzales.com
- 24 Stücke auf insgesamt 96 Seiten
- Länge: 4 Zeilen bis 2 Seiten
- Zielgruppe: erwachsene Wiedereinsteiger
- Beschreibung: ” So many of us took piano lessons as kids, and sadly, most of us gave up. Learning the piano is overwhelming. There are so many things to think about: scales, finger positions, counting rhythm, reading the notes, understanding how chords move. Where to begin? Whether you are a lapsed pianist who gave up after a couple of years, a young beginner or a laptop beatmaker wishing for musical options, I submit to you these 24 Re-introduction Etudes, guiding you through the building blocks of music, Gonzo style. My goal is to get you sitting down at the piano and enjoying yourself. I made the pieces as fun as possible to play after only a few tries. Go ahead. Meet music. Don’t be shy – Re-Introduce yourself” (Chilly Gonzales)
- Pedal: nein
- Fingersätze: ja
- Tonumfang: Kontra A – G 3